TRX Inverted Row
The TRX Inverted Row is a powerful upper body exercise. This exercise targets your back, shoulders, biceps, and abs. The primary muscles worked during the inverted row are the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, deltoids, biceps, and forearms. Every exercise performed with suspension training straps work the abs because the core is used to stabilize the body during the movement. Yay for abs built in bonus for the waistline in your weight lifting routine!
The inverted row is a great back strengthener for those with lower back pain. Always, always, always listen to your body. If this exercise is too difficult, try the TRX Low Row and/or High Row in your back day workout instead. Speak with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program.
TRX T Deltoid Fly
The TRX T Deltoid Fly is an advanced upper body exercise. This exercise works shoulders, upper back, biceps, and core. If this progression is too difficult, you may perform the exercise with a staggered stance, one foot forward and one back.
The deltoids, rhomboids, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, biceps, and core muscles are some of the many muscles used during this exercise. The core (everything front to back of the spine) stabilizes the body which means your abs get a workout too. Yay! Try this advanced version of the TRX T Deltoid Fly for a stronger, more defined upper body. Always consult your physician before beginning a new exercise program.
TRX I Deltoid Fly
The TRX I Deltoid Fly works shoulders, upper back, biceps, and core muscles. All suspension training strap exercises use the core muscles to stabilize the body which means every exercise performed work the abs. YAY!
This is a challenging TRX exercise. If the shoulder width foot stance is too difficult to perform the exercise, try a staggered stance with feet shoulder width apart, with one foot forward and one back. Suspension training straps are simple to set up. All you need is an eye hook, trx mount, or even a tree that is sturdy. Always speak to your doctor before beginning a new exercise program.
TRX Y Deltoid Fly
The TRX Y Deltoid Fly works many muscles making this a great upper body exercise. The primary muscles working are the deltoids in the shoulders as well as the upper back muscles. The anterior, medial, and posterior deltoids muscles make up the round part of your shoulder at the top of the arm. The deltoids are responsible for arm movements and are quite susceptible to injury. The rhomboids and latissimus dorsi are the upper back muscles worked during this awesome TRX upper body exercise. The core (every muscle front to back of the spine) muscles are the stabilizer muscles in this exercise movement.
Strengthening your shoulders, upper back, and core will help improve your posture and decrease your likelihood of injury.
Avoid jerky movements. Slow and controlled arm motion is important. Good form is important for preventing injury. Here are some common mistakes to look out for. Avoid bending of the wrists, which should be straight during the exercise. Avoid locking knee or elbow joints which can lead to injury during exercises. Avoid rounding or elevation of the shoulders. Keep the shoulders down and back. Avoid leading with the hips or dipping the hips backwards.
Always speak to your doctor before beginning a new exercise program.
Dumbell Lateral Raise
The Dumbell Lateral Raise is a great shoulder exercise. Use lighter weights to insure proper form. Keep a slight bend in the knees as well as in the elbows, no locking of the joints.