12 Ways to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure

12 Ways to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure

According to the CDC, 1 in every 3 adults have high blood pressure (BP). This is known as hypertension. Another 1 in 3 adults have prehypertension, which means that BP is higher than it should be… but not quite in the high range. Of those people, only half have their blood pressure kept under control. These numbers are alarming!

High BP puts people at risk for both strokes and heart attacks. The good news is that science has proven that you can take a natural approach to reducing your blood pressure to a normal healthy level. Nutrition makes a huge impact on your overall health. Small daily changes can equal BIG time results.

Let’s delve into 12 simple ways you can reduce your blood pressure.

1 – Exercise

As a fitness and nutrition advocate, I am a HUGE fan of exercise. Studies show that exercise lowers blood pressure. Exercise includes strength training, swimming, walking, running, biking, climbing, hiking, gardening, and even housework. Any activity that gets your heart rate up and increases your respiratory rate is considered exercise.

If a workout in the gym is too intimidating, start small with walking at the park or around your neighborhood. All you need is 30 minutes of exercise daily to reap the rewards. Start feeling better physically and mentally by challenging yourself to be more active. Unsure where to begin with your fitness journey? Try out my beginners 3 day workout program here.

Check with your doctor first before beginning any exercise program. If you have high blood pressure, take caution when performing floor exercises as it may cause dizziness. Stick to sitting or standing exercises to prevent this.

The biggest excuse trainers often hear is TIME. If you have time for catching the latest episode of the Mandelorian (we all watch it for Baby Yoda) or Grey’s Anatomy…then you have time to love yourself enough to exercise. Not only does exercise lower blood pressure, it also provides you with more energy as well as happy endorphins. Who doesn’t want to be happier?!

2 – Fidget to Lose Weight

You may be scratching your head with this suggestion. Did she just tell me to fidget more? Lol. The answer is a resounding yes.

Think about this, any movement burns calories. Study after study tells us that fidgeting is great for burning extra calories. Weight loss is so important when it comes to lowering blood pressure naturally. Fidgeting throughout the day will help you burn an extra 100-800 kcals. Will you look weird fidgeting at your desk? More than likely. Perhaps bouncing your leg under the table or tapping your foot out of view is a wise idea in the workplace. Does this mean, you don’t need to exercise? Absolutely not. Make your health a priority and be more active! Movement is everything.

3 – Yoga and Meditation

Stress increases blood pressure. Try calming activities such as yoga and meditation to lower stress levels and blood pressure. Mindfulness meditation has proven to lower blood pressure in recent studies. There are so many great meditation apps. I use the audible app for my 10 minute daily morning meditations.

4 – Green Tea

A study by the British Journal of Nutrition showed that long term use (over 12 weeks) of drinking green tea lowered blood pressure significantly. Drink one to two cups a day to effectively see results in blood pressure levels. Keep in mind that nothing works overnight. Be consistent. Get in the routine of drinking green tea every morning. Remember, everything in moderation is key. So don’t consume excessive amounts of any superfood or drink. One or two cups a day will suffice.

My favorite organic brands are Yogi and Numi. There are so many amazing flavors of Yogi teas. Use caution when selecting tea brands, because research has shown many tea bags on the grocery store shelf are chock full of pesticides and toxins! Yikes. Some of the most popular brands are on the list of toxic dangerous teas. Stick to organic tea such as Yogi and Numi to reap the great rewards of a gently steeped green tea.

Avoid adding unnecessary sugars and calories to your tea. Yogi Tea has such a great flavor, it doesn’t need added sugar or honey.

5 – Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Many studies show that people with high blood pressure who consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduce their blood pressure significantly. Berries are high in the polyphenol anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are what give these powerhouse fruits their colorful pigmentation as well as reduce BP. Studies also show that potassium in fruits and veggies such as bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach, and avocado are linked to lower blood pressure.  Magnesium in green leafy vegetables also help regulate blood pressure.

Fill your plate with a cup of colorful vegetables or small fruit at every meal or snack throughout the day.

6 – Eat Fibrous Carbohydrates

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that consuming 3 servings of whole grain high fiber foods per day was just as effective as taking blood pressure medicine. This is HUGE. Health and fitness professionals have been saying forever that food is medicine. This is FACT. It truly is!

Take a break from starchy carbohydrates that provide little nutritional value such as cake, cookies, and white breads. Instead of white bread (or any bread with the word “enriched” listed in the ingredient label) switch to fibrous whole grain or whole wheat breads, tortillas, english muffins, and bagels.

Instead of white potatoes, switch to the more healthier option of fibrous sweet potatoes.

Instead of cereal, switch to heart healthy fibrous oatmeal that will provide you long sustained energy.

Instead of white rice, switch to brown rice and/or quinoa.

Making these changes in your daily food intake will have a major impact on your overall health and blood pressure.

7 – Eat More Lean Protein

Cutting down on red meats that are high in saturated fats will help reduce your BP. Instead, consume more lean proteins.

Lean proteins include chicken breast, turkey breast, pork tenderloin, ground turkey, ground chicken, extra lean ground beef, bison, egg whites, beans, and powdered peanut butter.

Some people are not big fans of whey protein powder supplements. However this fitchick is a HUGE fan of protein powder for my fitness and nutrition clients. According to Harvard Health Publishing, a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that whey protein powder reduced blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Not only does whey protein powder help lower body fat, it also lowers blood pressure as well. My favorite 3rd party brand is Max Muscle Pure Whey for my clients and I love that Stone Mountain offers free shipping on orders over $75. Who doesn’t love free shipping?!

According to the study above, 56 grams of Whey Protein Powder per day, successfully lowered BP levels. That means around 2 scoops of the yummy Pure Whey by Max Muscle would be a great start to lowering blood pressure naturally. This is a simple way to lower body fat and blood pressure. A snack of fruit and a scoop of protein with almond milk twice a day would help you obtain the whey protein intake needed. Shaker bottles up, and cheers to a new you!

8 – Eat Healthy Fats

Consume healthy fats to improve your BP levels. Stay away from foods that are high in saturated fats and stick to foods that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Protein sources that are high in heart healthy fats include plain greek yogurt, eggs, fish, avocado, nuts and seeds.

Salmon, trout, mackerel, and tuna are excellent choices of fish with heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are so important for heart health and nuts are chock full of these fats. Consuming almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, and cashews are great snacks to incorporate into your day. Stick to only an ounce of nuts or 2 Tablespoons of nut butter per day. Any more than that, and you may tip the scales of your fat limits for the day.

Flaxseed, Chia Seed, Sunflower Seed, and Pumpkin Seeds are high in fiber and help lower blood sugar, BP, and cholesterol.

Flaxseed is one of my favorite superfoods for helping my clients lower their BP. Study after study show that flaxseed lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This little seed is a potent powerhouse of goodness. Right now, you should be asking yourself why you don’t already have flaxseed in your life. My favorite 3rd party tested brand is Barlean’s Fortiflax. Only 1-2 Tablespoons added into your day is all you need for this heart healthy benefit. Sprinkle these yummy seeds on your oats, yogurt, salads, and grains.

A healthy balanced diet should have around 30-50 grams of heart healthy fats per day. Two servings of healthy fats such as nuts, nut butters, or fish usually bring you pretty close to your daily intake of fats. Every fitchick loves nut butters. The problem is that fat is found in many of the other foods we eat throughout the day so your total fats add up fairly quickly. I often advise my clients to choose only one serving of nuts or fish per day and always have one serving of a heart healthy seed daily as well.

9 – Lower Sodium Intake

For some time, there has been controversy over sodium intake and blood pressure. However the verdict is in. Lower your sodium intake to lower your blood pressure.

The CDC now finds that sodium has a huge impact on blood pressure. Consume less than 2300 mg of sodium per day for optimal health.

Take caution when selecting food items at the grocery store. Always check nutrition labels. If something has more than 250 mg of sodium, consider another brand. This includes whole grain breads, tortillas, and anything packaged etc. Another sneaky way sodium creeps into your life is in sauces, packaged seasonings, condiments, and dressings. Always read the labels and start shopping smarter.

Say no to anything high in sodium for greater heart health and a slimmer tummy line. For my nutrition clients, I suggest less than 250 mg of sodium in any of the packaged foods they consume. The biggest culprits of sodium laden products are (soy) sauces, dressings, and tomato sauces. Soy sauce has almost 1000 mg of sodium per tablespoon, which is almost half of the daily recommended sodium intake. This explains why my asian relatives and friends may have high blood pressure. Even your spice blends may be high in sodium. Be aware than any foods that are packaged and premade may have astronomical amounts of sodium. Become your own nutrition guru by comparing labels and brands.

10 – Garlic

Thanks to research, we now know that garlic helps lower blood pressure as well as inflammation in the body. Adding fresh garlic into your daily food intake is important. If you are not a big fan of consuming this superfood, you can take garlic supplements. My favorite dietary garlic supplement is Garliactive by Pure Encapsulations.

11 – Turmeric

Turmeric is one of my favorite superfoods and supplements for my clients. Study after study shows that turmeric helps reduce inflammation, blood pressure, depression, and heart disease risks. It also improves your immune system. This spice full of delicious goodness is beneficial when added into your foods and drinks. However, to get the most benefit, you need a larger dose than can be absorbed with food intake. That is where supplements come in to save the day or rather help with your BP issues.

My favorite Turmeric supplement is *dōTERRA Turmeric Dual Chamber Capsules. This highly effective supplement took over 2 years of rigorous testing and research by dōTERRA’s team of highly qualified scientists to create an amazingly bioavailable turmeric supplement that combines tumerones and curcuminoids with a targeted delivery system. Both the extract and essential oil combine to pack a powerhouse punch of turmeric goodness. What this means is that it is absorbed into the body at just the right time for the most impact. This Turmeric capsule is the absolute BEST. We are talking about more than a ten-fold increase in bioavailability, which means the amount in which is able to go into your bloodstream and be effective. To learn more about this product and purchase, click here. If you are committed to taking this supplement consistently for long term results and prefer to purchase at wholesale prices for a whole year and save tons of money, click here. The membership fee cost less than an annual Costco membership, and your health will thank you for this! Plus dōTERRA offers a 30 day return policy.

It takes commitment and consistency to see results with anything you do in life, whether it be fitness, nutrition, medicine, or supplements. In order to be successful, you must be consistent!

My other favorite 3rd party tested doctor recommended supplement is Pure Encapsulations Curcumin.

Just remember EVERYTHING you put in your body should be safe and effective. Purchasing from companies that are 3rd party tested means you get the real deal. If you only add one thing into your supplement routine, Turmeric is it! It has been used since ancient times for many medicinal purposes.

12 – Stop Smoking & Drink Less Alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol both have a negative impact on blood pressure. Both vices increase blood pressure which puts people at risk for cardiovascular complications and disease. The American College of Cardiology recently found that just 7-13 alcohol drinks per week has been shown to increase the risk of high BP. This means a nightly glass of wine may not be so wise if you are hypertensive. The safest course of action is to drink alcohol sparingly and completely quit smoking to lower your blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure, now is the time to love yourself enough to make small daily lifestyle changes to lower your BP.

Balanced nutrition and exercise are so important for overall health. If you aren’t ready to commit to exercising daily or changing your diet, at the very least consider taking garlic and turmeric supplements.

Adding green tea and flaxseed into your daily food intake is a fantastic simple way to lower BP naturally.

Food is fuel for the body. Eat to live, don’t live to eat.

My passion is helping others find their best health. As always, if you have any questions, reach out to me.

Changing Lives Every Day

~ Dawn

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. As such, the FDA requires the following statement; This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.