
12 Health Benefits of Tart Cherry in Your Diet

12 Health Benefits of Tart Cherry in Your Diet

Tart Cherry is one of my favorite health boosting suggestions for my fitness and nutrition clients. This amazing little super fruit is chock full of antioxidants that contain all kinds of anti-inflammatory goodness and pack a powerhouse punch. You can find tart cherry in juice, concentrate, and powdered form. The unsweetened concentrate and powdered forms are the healthier option since

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10 Plus Reasons Why Your Healthy Diet Needs Flaxseed

10 Plus Reasons Why Your Healthy Diet Needs Flaxseed

Antiquity understood flaxseed to be a powerful ancient medicine. Flaxseed’s sturdy fibers have been used in textiles for thousands of years. Now, thanks to considerable interest in active lifestyles and longevity of life, flaxseed has been scrutinized by the nutritional community and has enjoyed a resurgence in healthy diets. Let’s take a look at the uses and benefits of this

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12 Ways to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure

12 Ways to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure

According to the CDC, 1 in every 3 adults have high blood pressure (BP). This is known as hypertension. Another 1 in 3 adults have prehypertension, which means that BP is higher than it should be… but not quite in the high range. Of those people, only half have their blood pressure kept under control. These numbers are alarming! High

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10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pecans

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pecans

This is one of my favorite times of the year. Fall colors just bring so much happiness and joy to the farmhouse. Along with the cooler weather and falling leaves, the pecans start dropping from the pecan trees. Every fall, the Texan brings in the hammock from the pecan grove after the squirrels begin to use the nuts as projectiles…and

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Collards and Turkey Sausage Soup

Collards and Turkey Sausage Soup

I created this recipe this past week when my husband, aka the Texan, was craving some comfort food. I decided that some warm soup for these very cold (brrrr) East Tennessee days we are having was just the ticket. I happened to have a big bag of shredded collards, and I came up with this delicious, warm, and comforting crock

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3 Ways to Find Your Best Health

3 Ways to Find Your Best Health

There are so many foods we can easily incorporate into our everyday that can help you feel your best. Are you dragging every day trying to find the energy to make it to the next meeting, the daily mom-taxi drop off/pick up, or to muster up the motivation to hit the gym like the boss that you are or should

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