Monthly archive for March 2021

Essential Oils and the Cardiovascular System

Essential Oils and the Cardiovascular System

The first system of the body that we are going to explore is the Cardiovascular System. ♥️ What is it? 👉 The heart ♥️ , blood🩸, blood vessels. (kinda important😉) The heart works as a pump that pushes blood to the organs, tissues, and cells of the body. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body and

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How Essential Oils Work with the 11 Major Body Systems

How Essential Oils Work with the 11 Major Body Systems

Have you been curious about how your oils actually work with your body? This month I am taking you to Science School and will dive deep into HOW your oils actually work with your body systems. 🤓 When most people make the decision to bring these little brown bottles into their home, they are ready to make a CHANGE. ✅

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