Beginner’s Part 3 Biceps and Triceps Workout

Beginner's Part 3 Biceps and Triceps Workout

Weight training can be very intimidating, from the weight rack to the feeling of being an outsider. Gym intimidation is a very real thing. One of the excuses people often make for not working out, is not knowing what to do or how to begin a fitness program. This workout routine is designed to take the uncertainty out of the equation. You will be able to work out in the comfort of your home or walk into the gym with confidence having a plan. This is the last and final part of a blog series for a simple 3 day exercise program.

If you have a medical condition, get your doctor’s clearance before performing any exercises! If you have high blood pressure, exercises lying on the floor are not advised as you may become dizzy.

Sunny weather often means tank tops or short sleeves. As the saying goes, suns out, guns out. No, I am not talking about the controversial kind. We will leave that for another blog. It’s biceps and triceps day! Let’s jump on in to the workout.

Warm Up

Complete each exercise with 15 repetitions for 3 sets/rounds

  • Alternating Toe Touch

Alternate reaching the right hand towards the left foot and left hand towards the right foot.

  • High Knees

Alternate raising the knees upward as if marching as high as the body will allow.

  • Alternating Med Ball Rotation

Start with the med ball straight out at shoulder level. Rotate the upper body towards the right side, eyes following the direction of the ball. Return to center position. Rotate the upper body towards the left side, eyes following the direction of the ball. Return to center position.

Strength Training

3 Sets of 8-12 Reps of each Superset (2 exercises back to back)

On all of your Standing Position Exercises, make sure your feet are shoulder width apart, toes are pointed forward, knees above ankles (no knock knees), hips are back (no anterior pelvic tilt), abs are tight using draw in maneuver, and the shoulders are down and back (no hunching of shoulders or rounding of back).

SUPERSET 1 – DB Biceps Curl & OH Triceps Ext

Dumbbell Biceps Curl

  1. Stand with good form listed above. Hold the Dumbbells with a supinated grip, palms facing up, resting at the thighs.
  2. Slowly bring the weights up to about chest level, with the upper arms stationary. The only movement is in the forearms. If the elbow allows the upper arm to swing forward during the exercise, then lower the weight for proper form. Pause for 2 seconds at the top of the movement.
  3. Slowly lower the weight to starting position. That makes one repetition. Complete 8-12 reps before moving on to DB OH Triceps Extension.

Dumbbell OH Triceps Extension

  1. Stand with good form listed above (or seated on bench) with the back straight. Using a single dumbbell, hold the inside plate of one end with both hands. The hands should overlap to form what looks similar to a heart shape.
  2. Raise the DB overhead taking extra care not to overextend or lock the elbow joint. Ensure the elbows stay close to the ears to keep from splaying outward.
  3. Lower the weight behind your head until the elbows reach a 90° angle. The upper arm should be stationary with elbows close to the ears.
  4. Raise the weights overhead pressing the dumbbell upwards, without locking the elbow joint. Pause fo 2 seconds before lowering weight back down to the 90° angle. That makes one repetition. Complete 8-12 repetitions.

Repeat both exercises twice more before moving on to superset 2.

SUPERSET 2 – DB Hammer Curl & DB Kick Backs

Dumbbell Biceps Hammer Curl

  1. Stand with good form as listed above. Hold dumbbells with a neutral grip, palms facing each other, resting at your sides. Don’t overextend or lock the elbow joint.
  2. Slowly raise the dumbbells up to about chest level. Pause for 2 seconds.
  3. Lower the weights SLOWLY back down to hip level. That makes one repetition. Complete 8-12 repetitions before moving on to Dumbbell Bent Over Kickbacks

Dumbbell Bent Over Kickbacks

  1. Rest the left knee and lower leg on the bench. Bend the torso forward by hinging at the hip and support the upper body with the left hand without overextending or locking the elbow joint. Keep the back straight. Hold the DB in a neutral grip with the right hand, palms facing in, with the arm extended down. Raise your upper arm up to your side with elbow at a 90° angle. That is starting position as pictured.
  2. Extend the forearms straight back until the arms are fully extended. You will feel the a stretch in the back of the upper arms. Pause for 2 seconds.
  3. Slowly lower the weight back down, moving only the forearms as the upper arms are stationary, until the elbow is at a 90° angle. That makes one repetition. Complete 8-12 more repetitions. Repeat 8-12 reps with opposite side.

Repeat both exercises 2 times before moving on to the next superset.

SUPERSET 3 – Bands/Cable Biceps Curl & Triceps Press Down

Bands or Cable Machine Biceps Curl

  1. Stand with good form holding the bands or cable attachment with a supinated grip, palms facing up, at your hip level. You may use bands fixed to a stationary object or stand on your bands. If using gym equipment, the cable machine attachment should be set low.
  2. Raise the weights up to about chest level. Pause for 2 seconds.
  3. SLOWLY, lower the weights back down to hip level, making sure not to overextend or lock the elbow joint. That makes one repetition. Complete 8-12 repetitions before moving on the the Triceps Press Down.

Bands or Cable Machine Triceps Press Down

  1. Attach bands to a stationary object or use the cable machine attachment set high. Stand with good form. Hold the handles with a pronated grip, palms facing down, with the upper arms at your sides and the elbows at a 90° angle and wrists straight.
  2. Press the forearms down without bending of the wrists. Pause for 2 seconds.
  3. SLOWLY, raise the forearms until the elbows are back at a 90° angle. That makes one repetition. Complete 8-12 repetitions.


Seated Concentration Biceps Curl

  1. Start in a seated position holding the single dumbbell with your right hand in a supinated grip, palms facing upward. Lean your torso forward keeping the back straight and rest your upper arm at the elbow area against your inner right thigh. Extend the arm without locking the elbow joint.
  2. Curl the weight upward keeping the wrist straight. Pause for 2 seconds before lowering the weight back down. That makes one repetition. Complete 8-12 repetitions before moving on to the other side. Perform 8-12 repetitions with the left elbow/upper arm against the left inner thigh before moving on to skullcrushers.


  1. Lie down on the floor (or on a flat bench as pictured). Bend your knees and place feet flat on the floor. Holding your dumbbells in a neutral grip, palms facing each other. Extend your arms directly above. Keep the wrists strait.
  2. Slowly lower the weights towards the outside area of the forehead (where the name skullcrusher came from). Stop once your elbows reach a 90° angle.
  3. Extend your arms back up overhead without overextending or locking the elbow joint. That makes one repetition. Be aware of your wrist and do not allow the wrists to bend during the movements. Complete 8-12 repetitions.

Repeat both exercises 2 more times before moving on to stretches.

Cool Down

STRETCHES – hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

  • Overhead Shoulder Stretch
  • Overhead Triceps Stretch
  • Across the Body Shoulder Stretch

Always start your workout with a warm up to get your blood flowing, and end it with stretching to cool your body down for increased flexibility and range of motion. This is very important for preventing injury. Always, always, always listen to your body! If you need a break, take one! 🙂

You may follow this 3 day program for 4-6 weeks. Cheers to seeking greater health!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for all things health and fitness. Various exercises in this program can be found on my website.

Changing Lives Every Day,

~ Dawn